League of Legends

Top lane

Currently considered as one of the best top laners in the PCS, Hanabi who was previously with Flash Wolves (FW), has won many playoff titles since joining the top league in 2018

During his tenure with FW, playing alongside MMD, they amassed an incredible 14 win – 0 loss record during the 2018 Summer Split. Hanabi has been given the title as “The Strongest Captain” from his incredible Gangplank play with an 85% win rate with 23 wins and only 4 losses that season.


Previously known as Baby, River spent most of his career in the LJL and was briefly on AHQ’s roster before joining Talon this season.

An incredibly talented player, River is most known for his stellar Leesin play and displays eagerness to learn from Talon’s coaching staff and veteran players.

Mid lane

Characterized by his calming presence and stability, Candy has held down the mid lane since 2015. More patient and reactive, he takes advantage of opponent’s mistakes and punishes them dearly.

Bot lane

Unified, aka the Silent Killer, entered the pro scene in 2017 under HKA where he met and paired with Kaiwing as ADC/Support at bot lane. Known for their incredible synergy, coordination and the laning phase, they are ranked as the top duo in the Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau region.

In his spare time, he also casually climbed to the top of Taiwan Servers as a mid laner. A man of few words, Unified prefers settling his disputes on the Summoner's Rift.


Kaiwing, known for his incredible instincts and aggressive playstyle, recently achieved Best Support player in PCS’ Spring Split 2020. A veteran of the game, Kaiwing started his career in 2016 with MSE and HKA and has gone abroad to compete in multiple Worlds events.

Also nicknamed the “Guardian God”, Kaiwing is most well known for his solo defensive hold against HKA during the 2016 LMS Spring Split when he stalled the opponent team long enough from destroying his Nexus to allow creeps to finish off the opponents Nexus instead.